*Linux Fun Commands*

Rohit Dhore
3 min readSep 23, 2021


For a linux user, the terminal or command line is a powerful and important tool for work. A lot of things on linux are done inside the terminal. When working on a linux server, the command line shell is the only interface to work with, most of the time. But the terminal is also very textish and a bit non-interesting at time.The linux terminal is not always dull and boring. There are commands to make it do some funny acts to entertain the user.

Here is a small collection of such commands.


The cowsay command draws out little animals using ascii art in the terminal or shell. It is not very graphical but does a nice job at the drawing. On ubuntu or debian systems you can install cowsay with apt.

$ cowsay “fun commands”$ cowsay -s “fun commands”$ cowsay -g “fun commands”
$ cowsay -s -f dragon-and-cow "Redhat Linux Rocks"

If you don’t like cows .No problem there are other animals in the cow zoo. To find out how many, use the l option to get a list.

$ cowsay -l


sl command steams locomotive will run across your terminal from right to left. And it looks like train.

$ sl
$ figlet

The figlet command can be used to draw large sized text banners of socket daemons/services, when connecting via telnet.

$ figlet -w 200 -c "God of Engineering : VIMAL SIR"


The banner command too can print banners like figlet but it is very limited. No options and can print only 10 characters at most.

$ banner "ARTH  2.0"


The rev command will print the reverse of whatever you type in. First run rev, then start typing one sentence at a time


The yes command will go on printing the same thing indefinitely until stopped by a Ctrl+C. The command apparently appears to have no use, but in scenarios like software testing it is often needful to produce large amounts of junk text quickly and that is where tools like this come in handy.


We think that linux is very boring and there are lot of technical commands ,but in linux we also have some fun commands so it makes linux a very interesting operating system for every learner.

~Thank you

